Marco Island Fishing

During these times of increasing environmental pressures as well as the great influx of recreational fishing to the area Marco Island fishing seems to be holding its own. I must congratulate the FWC on the fine job they are doing. It merely is not the amount of boats they stop but just their mere presence, it will make you think twice about doing something wrong before you even do it. I also want to congratulate the the citizens of Marco Island for taking a step in the right direction and looking more closely at the way their decisions will create a more Eco friendly environment for years to come. I truly believe that the steps we have taken, are in the right direction and will preserve the pristine beauty of the island for years to come. Fishing in the backwaters has been really good and I have not seen a decline over the past few years. Lets all keep up the good work and leave a place for our kids and grand kids to enjoy. Take them fishing.  

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